Rabu, 21 Februari 2018

Mark.Space is ontworpen om gebruikers alle benodigde hulpmiddelen te geven voor het maken van VR-inhoud

Over Mark.Space

Mark.Space is een alternatieve realiteit, beschikbaar in elke browser, zonder pre-installatie en registratie. Dit platform is compatibel met elke VR-headset - volledige wereld bestaande uit winkels, kantoren, banken, bioscopen, clubs, communities of interest en persoonlijke ruimtes.

Technisch gezien is Mark.Space een nieuwe generatie internet: compatibele websites die enerzijds onafhankelijk zijn (omdat ze een eigen domein hebben) en anderzijds verenigd zijn door een gemeenschappelijk transactie- en boekhoudsysteem op de Blockchain en een globale zoekmachine. Bovendien kan elke gebruiker de 3D / VR / AR (virtual reality / augmented reality) -ruimten binnen het universum Mark.Space gratis bezoeken.

Hier is onze presentatievideo over Mark.Space :

Virtuele realiteit

Het AR / VR-marktaandeel zal groeien van USD 11,4 miljard in 2017 tot USD 215 miljard in 2021. VR is veel meer dan gamen; het is ook e-commerce, bedrijfsleven, onderwijs, wetenschap, filmindustrie en vele andere gebieden. Alle Mark.Space locaties zijn 3D-zones die volledig in elke browser werken en compatibel zijn met alle VR-headsets. Deze oplossing verhoogt het publiek van gebruikers en contentproviders met een factor tien. Het gebruik van VR-brillen of -helmen is optioneel, wat absoluut unieke kansen biedt voor de ontwikkeling van de sectoren van de interneteconomie.


Eenheden vormen de basis van het Mark.Space universum virtuele onroerend goed met een open source-adres. Het register van vastgoedadministratie voor elke eenheid wordt bijgehouden op de Blockchain, die de beveiliging van persoonlijke gegevens garandeert. Eenheden kunnen via slimme contracten worden verkocht of verhuurd aan andere gebruikers.

Sociaal netwerk en blogosfeer

Met een publiek van meer dan 3 miljard mensen zijn ze het belangrijkste kanaal voor communicatie en het consumeren van inhoud. Dankzij de visuele mogelijkheden van 3D / VR en krachtige platformcommunicatietools (p2p-spraakcommunicatie, interactiviteit van eenheden in ecosystemen, multithreaded uitzendingen), zal de sociale virtuele levensduur van MARK.SPACE sterk lijken op de ideale echte levensstijl van haar gebruikers.

Issues & Solutions

1. VR in e-commerce

De vraag naar de virtualisatie van commerciële projecten is op dit moment te moeilijk om te implementeren. In termen van kosten en het creëren van virtuele winkels is het samenvoegen van dergelijke projecten uitgesloten.

Oplossing We hebben een platform gebouwd waarmee iedereen commerciële VR-spaces kan maken en ontwerpen zonder zelfs maar de basiskennis van coderen en 3D-modellering te kennen.

2. Mijnwerkers alternatief

De complexiteit van crypto-valuta in de mijnbouw groeit snel en veel crypto-valuta's gebruiken initieel POS of zijn van plan over te schakelen naar POW. Het financiële welzijn van mijnwerkers wordt bedreigd.

Oplossing Mark.Space betekent honderdduizenden high-end renderers, waarvoor terabytes aan inhoud moet worden gemaakt. We hebben een protocol gemaakt voor gedecentraliseerde weergave en gegevensopslag. Mijnwerkers kunnen ons programma downloaden om de weergave uit te voeren. Voor gegevensopslag ontvangen ze beloningen in de vorm van MRK-tokens. Bovendien impliceert ons ecosysteem een groot aantal transacties.

3. Centralisatie van sociaal netwerk

Populaire sociale communities, samen met advertentie-inkomsten, zijn eigendom van en worden beheerd door een enkele onderneming.

Oplossing door een MarkSpace community-maker te worden, kunt u kiezen tussen de districten "Zakelijk", "Gemeenschap", "Winkelen" en "Woonwijken". Deze sociale communities zullen uw managementrollen en inkomsten verdelen.

4. Wantrouwen token

Veel projecten worden ervan beschuldigd nutteloze tokens te hebben zonder echte waarde. Daarom zijn hun tarieven altijd laag.

Onze oplossing van MRK-token is een utility-token. Alle gebruikers kunnen het gebruiken om echte en virtuele goederen en diensten te verkopen, werknemers in te huren en voor hun werk te betalen, eenheden te creëren (en ze te vullen met objecten en inhoud voor hun individualisering). Mijnwerkers worden als tokens betaald voor platformondersteuning. Eenheidsprijs blijft in token bij beperkt aantal eenheden. Elke eenheid kan een populaire en krachtige buur hebben (bijvoorbeeld een bekend merk). Al deze factoren zijn onmiskenbare drivers over het nut van tokens.


Het MARK.SPACE-platform bestaat uit steden die volgens bepaalde regels door een gemeenschap, bedrijf of persoon kunnen worden gemaakt. De eerste stad op het platform zal worden gelanceerd volgens de routekaart. Het aantal steden in het systeem is onbeperkt.

Een stad is een virtuele ruimte met een maximaal geschatte oppervlakte van 713.440.000 m2, die is verdeeld in districten, blokken en eenheden. De eigenaar van een stad stelt de regels vast voor registratie, verkoop- en huurkosten van eenheden, evenals transactiecommissies en voorwaarden voor reclame; de eigenaar behoudt het recht op de domeinnaam.

Minimale stadswaarden:
- In één stad - 1 district
- In een district - 1 blok
- In één blok - 260 eenheden
- In één eenheid - 1 doos

Maximale stadswaarden:
- In één stad - 35 districten
- In een district - 35 blokken
- In één blok van -260 eenheden
- In één eenheid - 35 dozen

Totaal in één stad:
- 35 districten
- 1.225 blokken
- 318.500 eenheden
- 11.147.500 dozen

Wat is disctrict ?

Een district is een ruimte met een maximaal geschatte oppervlakte van 20.384.000m2, verdeeld in blokken en eenheden. Een district kan een exclusieve eigenaar hebben, die: zijn eigen regels vaststelt voor de verkoop en verhuur van eenheden; bepaalt welke soorten eenheden het kunnen invoeren Gebied; maakt of digitaliseert het basisontwerp van de wijk (blokken kunnen één basis of verschillende ontwerpen hebben); kan de wijk verbinden met zijn eigen domeinnaam.

Wat is a block ?

Een blok is een ruimte met een maximaal geschat oppervlak van 582.400 m2, verdeeld in 260 eenheden, 10 straten en 25 kruispunten. De buurten kunnen met elkaar verbonden zijn en werken volgens de regels van het district. Een blok kan een exclusieve eigen eigenaar hebben, die: zijn eigen regels kan opstellen voor de verkoop en verhuur van eenheden, evenals het uiterlijk van het blok; en kan een blok verbinden met zijn eigen domeinnaam.

Wat is Een eenheid ?

Een eenheid is een ruimte met een maximaal geschatte oppervlakte van 2.240 m2, die uit dozen kan bestaan. Het minimaal vereiste aantal is één vak, met een maximum van 35 dozen. Een eenheid heeft een straatuitgang en een ingang, die leidt naar de locatie van andere eenheden (websites). De eigenaar van een eenheid bepaalt het uiterlijk, plaatst objecten in de virtuele ruimte en vult ze met inhoud. Er zijn verschillende soorten eenheden die verschillen in functionaliteit:

- Residentieel
- Boodschappen doen
- Zakelijk
- Gemeenschappen
- Onderwijs
- Entertainment

Mark.Space Token Sale

MRK-tokens zijn gebaseerd op het Ethereum-protocol en voldoen aan de ERC20-standaard. MRK Tokens smart contract-adres wordt tijdig gepubliceerd voorafgaand aan MRK Token Pre-Sale en Token Sale.

MRK Tokens heeft geen andere rechten, expliciet of impliciet, dan die hierin uiteengezet, afhankelijk van MarkSpace, succesvolle voltooiing en inzet van het Platform. In het bijzonder zullen MRK Token-houders geen invloed hebben op de ontwikkeling of het bestuur van Mark.Space en MRK-tokens vertegenwoordigen of vormen geen eigendomsrecht, aandeel, veiligheid of gelijkwaardige rechten of enig recht op toekomstige inkomstenaandelen, of enige andere vorm van deelname aan of met betrekking tot Mark.Space.

MRK-tokens zijn ontworpen om uitwisselbaar te zijn op cryptografische token-uitwisselingen. Mark.Space geeft geen garanties dat MRK Tokens uitwisselbaar zal zijn op grotere beurzen, maar doet er alles aan om alles te doen wat redelijk mogelijk is en binnen de mogelijkheden van Mark.Space om uitwisselingen van MRK Tokens mogelijk te maken op zoveel mogelijk beurzen. 38. MRK Tokens wordt verdeeld over twee evenementen: Token Pre-Sale en Token Sale. MRK Tokens Pre-Sale vindt plaats van 24 oktober 2017 - 17 november 2017. MRK Tokens Sale wordt gehouden van 21 november 2017 tot 21 december 2017.

Deelnemers begrijpen en accepteren dat zij een bedrag van ETH of kunnen verzenden
BTC gelijk aan niet minder dan 0,10 USD afhankelijk van de kosten van ETH tot de datum van het begin van de MRK Token Sale in een slim contractsysteem op Ethereum en een hoeveelheid MRK-tokens ontvangen in ruil. De prijs van één MRK-token is uiteengezet in het bedrag van ETH of BTC gelijk aan 0,10 USD ("Aankoopbedrag") tegen de toepasselijke wisselkoers. Voor de doeleinden van deze Overeenkomst wordt de waarde van het Aankoopbedrag geacht in Amerikaanse dollars te zijn, ongeacht of de Deelnemer betaalt in ETH of BTC, gewaardeerd tegen de toepasselijke wisselkoers voor ETH of BTC tot de datum van het begin van de Tokenverkoop. Er zullen in totaal (drie miljard) MRK-tokens beschikbaar zijn ("Total MRK Tokens Number"). MRK-tokens ("Total MRK Token Sale Number") zullen beschikbaar zijn tijdens de Token Sale-periodes, 250.000.000 MRK-tokens op Token Pre-Sale en 720.000.000 op Token Sale. MARK.SPACE maakt extra MRK-tokens aan na de initiële tokenrelease, 200 000 000 tokens zijn gereserveerd voor een gesloten Token Pre-Sale voor projectpartners.

MRK Tokens worden op de volgende manier verdeeld:
1. 6,67% van het totale MRK-tokensnummer zal worden verdeeld tijdens MRK Tokens Closed Pre-Sale voor projectpartners;
2. 32,33% van het totale MRK-tokennummer zal worden verdeeld tijdens MRK Tokens Sale;
3. 10,00% van het totale MRK-tokensnummer moet worden bewaard door MARK.SPACE;
4. 19,00% van het totale MRK-tokennummer moet worden aangehouden als reserve-liquiditeitsfonds;
5. 3% van het totale MRK-tokennummer zal worden toegewezen om partners te stimuleren;
6. 0,50% van het totale MRK-tokennummer zal worden toegewezen voor de verwerving van klanten;
7. 3% van het totale MRK-tokennummer wordt toegewezen aan projectadviseurs;
8. 22,50% van het totale MRK-tokennummer zal worden toegewezen aan toekomstige leveranciers van computers en gegevensopslag.

Token prijs

Onze routekaart


* YANA KONTOROVICH as CEO en oprichter, PhD in Economics
Ondernemer, investeerder

10 jaar ervaring in e-commerce, 7 jaar beleggingservaring, 4 jaar ervaring mode-industrie

* EVGENI MALKIN as Medeoprichter en eigenaar van 2 virtuele ruimtes binnen het platform

Professionele hockeyspeler, 3 keer Stanley Cup winnaar en 2 keer wereldkampioen.

* OLEG ERSHOV als medeoprichter, marketingprofessional, ondernemer.

4 jaar ervaring in eventmarketing, 8 jaar in internetmarketing. Gelanceerde projecten: Monster Mania, Moda Mark.

* DENIS POLULYAKHOV als medeoprichter

IT-ondernemer met 9 jaar ervaring. Oprichter van CARBYN Blockchain Group, CCO Moda Mark (fashion e-commerce).

* VLADISLAV UTUSHKIN als marketeer, ondernemer

Meer dan 10 jaar ervaring in actieve verkoop in de TOP3-bankgroep. 5 jaar ervaring in internetmarketing. CEO en mede-oprichter "RVR Project".


Ondernemer, IT-professional met 25 jaar ervaring Master's Degree in Mathematics.

* ALEXANDER SHTANKOVSKY als hoofd van ontwikkelaars, IT-ontwikkelaar

MSc in wiskunde. 27 jaar ervaring in IT. Gelanceerd Project: Site Makers.

* SIRUZ FARAMARZ als hoofd van de afdeling VR & 3D

12 jaar ervaring in 3D-visualisatieproductie, 5 jaar productontwerp. Gelanceerde projecten: Mall Mark, MARK.SPACE.

Voor meer informatie :


Auteur door Dico88

Minggu, 18 Februari 2018

Lendroid as a Decentralized Digital Asset Loan based on blockchain technology in the future

What is Lendroid ?

Lendroid is a non-rent seeking, trust-independent, open protocol enabling decentralized lending, margin trading and short selling on the Ethereum blockchain. It aims to solve the shortcomings of centralized exchanges by creating a global shared lending pool, and a symbiotic off-chain infrastructure supported by incentivized participants - Relayers and Wranglers. Simply put, Lenders contribute their offers to the lending pool through relayers, who then match the offers with appropriate traders. The traders can use the borrowed funds to margin trade, make a profit, and repay the lenders.

The lender is the primary participant on the Lendroid platform. The protocol’s soundness is validated only by his sustained, profitable participation. The lender’s trust in the trust-independent protocol will power the creation of a global lending pool. To this end, innovative rules and fail safes have been put in place to not let down his basic expectations of protecting his capital and earning risk-free interest in a low-friction manne.

In point of fact, Lendroid was initially intended as a decentralized lending platform. Broadly, the process was designed thus: A borrower pledges digital assets into an escrow account, and the lender defines specific terms for the loan amount, interest rate, loan period, loan to value (LTV)  set in a smart contract. If the lender’s and borrower’s terms match, the smart contract is executed, locking in the collateral and releasing the funds to the borrower. If the borrower satisfies the loan obligations, his collateral is unlocked automatically. If the borrower defaults or the collateral drops below the agreed LTV, the collateral is liquidated.

The trading margin seems to be the first sensible use case for Lendroid for two main reasons as follows:

1. The Market Grows Fast
Boundary funds have soared, as noted by some widely used bourses such as Poloniex and Bitfinex. At the last exchange, USD funding increased from 14.8 million to 168.5 million (October 2016 through October 2017); The BTC loan has been changed from USD 6.12 million to USD 183 million (October 2016 through Sep 2017); and ETH loans increased from USD 834,192 to USD 88.29 Million (October 2016 through Sep 2017).

2. Need for Trust Independence is Immediate
Centralized exchanges allow border trading to be left with double responsibility and tight funds and guarantee management while keeping traders from failing. To provide this service, it can be argued that centralized exchange has passed through the inherent strength of the blockchain ecosystem based on decentralization, absolute protection and anonymity through global consensus.

A decentralized margin trading protocol a platform that is censorship resistant and can be accessed globally would help move away from central custodians holding user funds. Further, a global network of lenders will increase liquidity and reduce overall margin trading costs.

A borrower can receive Ethereum based (ETH/ERC20) tokens (like ETH, USD-DC, etc.) by pledging some other Ethereum based tokens (like REP, SNGLS, DGX, DGD, etc.). The borrowed tokens come from lenders who expect to receive interest at a rate they choose.

Ecosystem synergy :

Lendroid makes no sense in the absence of other DApps and tokens on the Ethereum platform. But in combination with other DApps, the real power of the Lendroid can be realized. A few examples:

* Lendroid + Melon = Allows traders to leverage their positions, allows traders to hold a short position.
* Lendroid + Stabl / Decentralized capital = Allows users to avail loans against any Ethereum token in stable government currencies.
* Lendroid + Digix = Allows users to avail loans against physical assets in any Ethereum token.
* Lendroid + Digix + Stabl / Decentralized capital = Allows users to avail loans against physical assets in stable government currencies and more.

How Lendroid works ?

A loan contract itself is pretty straight forward. But then, who fixes the terms of the loan? How do borrowers find and convince lenders? How do we make sure the borrower has the incentive to repay? What happens if the borrower fails to repay? etc

The Lendroid marketplace allows the creation of several loan markets.

Lendroid support tokens(LST) are the native tokens of the Lendroid protocol. Market creators (Lendroid support token holders) propose new markets using a unique set of loan terms (combination of collateral type and ratio).

Lenders and guarantors discover, gather and pre-fund markets which offer loan terms they prefer (terms that they believe will keep the loan solvent, protect their investment and enable them to make money). Guarantors are LST holders who choose to extend support to markets that issue loans that they believe will remain solvent and payout properly, in which case they receive a portion of the interest. If the loan becomes insolvent, they stand to lose their deposit. It is a requirement for every loan to hold LSTs whose value is at least 20% of the borrowed value. The LST deposit acts as secondary collateral for the loan.

Borrowers show up, choose a market depending on the type of collateral they wish to lock, create a loan contract, deposit collateral as defined by the terms of the loan and receive the loan funds.

At the end of the loan period, the borrower has the option to extend the loan by adjusting the collateral locked or repay the loan along with the accrued interest, or stands to lose their collateral.

If the borrower fails to repay the loan, the primary collateral held in the loan in auctioned off. If the funds raised in the auction is insufficient to clear all obligations as much secondary collateral (Lendroid support tokens) is auctioned off to raise additional funds. If even after auctioning off all secondary collateral locked in the loan there are not enough funds to repay all the lenders, the losses get spread proportionately across all lenders, and the lenders are paid out.

The lenders receive two layers of protection for the funds they lend. One from the value of the primary collateral and another from the value of the secondary collateral. This process increases the confidence of lenders and reduces the lender’s market discovery burden.

Lendroid Support Token

- Rate : 1 ETH is 48.000 LST
- Bonus : 25% of TGE tokens reserved for pro-rata distribution among contributors who optionally vest for 2 years.
- Hard Cap : 5.000 ETH
- Token Supply : LST
- Released in Public TGE : 240.000.000 LST
- Accepted Currency : ETH

Allocation Funds

Roadmap to Token Lendroid

In Q1 of 2017, we released Whitepaper on Decentstalized Digital Asset Lending and in Q2, a loan for the ENS demo was launched in Kovan.

The Team

More detailed information as follow :

Posted by Dico88

Rabu, 14 Februari 2018

SP8DE is a protocol for blockchain-based platform with multiple features that are essential for the growing blockchain gambling industry

S P 8 D E


Welcome to Spade, a blockchain-based platform capable of providing unfamiliar general oddities to develop and run distributed casino applications. Spades are designed to fit the goals of all actors comprising the online casino landscape and thus represent a new type of digital institution, distributed intermediary.

The spark that ignited this project and continues to inspire us now, is that the early blocks and Bitcoin casinos did not do it right. The Blockchain community is younger and wilder, the ideals of distributed freedom stay brighter, early adopters applying blockchain technology to gambling promote the wrong ideals; which damage the image of a decentralized casino. Instead of promoting transparency and cost efficiency that characterize blockchain technology, they promote anonymity and cyber anarchy. Instead of making a casino for everyone, they keep it for themselves.

It does not mean we are here to judge. Instead, we are here to change. We are not saying that the old way is bad, but it can be proved that the new one is better. We believe in a decentralized future and appreciate the charm of gambling. We soon realized that there was only a fragile glass wall between centralized gambling and a future casino in the future. Here it is, a simple but captivating idea. The future is here: we can run a zero-edge decentralized casino with nearly zero transaction costs and a good random amount to feed entropy into a variety of Smart-Contract open source casino applications that can be developed by
anyone who has a decent idea using special programming languages ​​and common languages. "We can" is the silent voice of the idea. Now the marching echoes of "we do".

As is often the case, technological advances make a big leap forward unknown to most types of people: people are still choosing narrow and narrow-minded online casinos that create a cruel and unfair home edge. Again, no one is entitled to judge: it's just an existential business need, produced by a dilapidated business model and an inch of greed.

Industry Background

In the European Union the online gambling industry grew nearly 19% from the first half of 2015 to the first half of 2016. The casino industry in particular generated over US $ 2 billion in revenues during this period. It is expected that until 2020 this number will reach US $ 2.25 billion per year representing about 12.5% ​​revenue growth

In the US for the period 2015 until 2016 online casino revenues increased by 24.4% and are expected to reach US $ 4 billion by 2020. The EU and the US are just a small part of the worldwide casino industry. Globally, the projections of the online casino show that for the period 2017-2025 the market will experience growth of about 130% reaching US $ 97 billion with cumulative annual growth rate of nearly 11%. Currently over 6 million adults are participating in gambling activities around 10 million by 2020.

Since inception, the blockchain technology was the subject of close attention by gambling enthusiasts. Recent news from The Merkle show how popular online Bitcoin betting has become. In aggregate the wagers put on online Bitcoin casinos in February 2017 have reached nearly 3 Bitcoin per minute. The price of Bitcoin at the end of February was about US $ 1,200 while now it is US $ 5,900 (approximately 292% growth) which means that as of today almost US $ 715 million worth of Bitcoin was gambled in February alone.

Bitcoin vs The Online Gambling Industry

Figure 1 The Online Gambling Companies and Bitcoin; Sources: Yahoo Finance and Coindesk

"Bitcoin Casino" vs "Online Casino" Popularity

Figure 2 Google Trends “Bitcoin Casino” vs “Online Casino”

Here we have approached the cornerstone topic in on-chain casino design. The immanent importance of this topic can only be matched by the extent of controversy associated with it. Before delving deep into complexities of probability theory, let’s summarize what has been said so far.

1. The uprising of the casino industry from the early days of humanity until the very end of the XX century can be portrayed in standard outlines of economic theory: it has been a long quest towards erasing the transaction costs by the means of centralization and institutionalization of the gambling process.
2. The problems that have remained unresolved included poor transparency, high overheads incurred by casinos to maintain lucrative buildings and other required infrastructure that translated into high house edges; and, finally, the need to travel to a “physical” location.
3. An additional problem was that of inclusion: indeed, not everyone could participate in the development of new games. Some of these problems have been partially resolved by the slow migration of casinos online. Nevertheless, those of poor transparency and large house edges have also remained. In general, these are the problems that are inherent to the legacy financial system; the one based on intermediation and trust.
4. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that numerous projects have embraced the challenge to move the gambling process on-chain. This, however, turned out to be an ambitious aspiration with numerous pitfalls and seemingly unsurpassable technological barriers. While resolving the issue of inclusion, transparency (from the gambler’s perspective) and excessive house edges, blockchain gambling exacerbated those of high transaction fees and anonymity. It also brought new challenges along with it: how do we resolve the issue of slow settlement? Finally, we addressed the sinle most important problem: the generation of the distributed randomness
As always, when one is stuck being unable to find a theoretically convincing and practically appealing answer in the domain of centralized applications, the world of distributed consensus is the place to search for answers.

There is no easy way to get distributed randomness: blockchain protocols are deterministic by nature and, do not have implementations of random number generation on the protocol level. But it wouldn’t be blockchain if this was the final answer. The following ‘solutions” have been proposed and implemented :

1. Most of the attempts to circumvent this limitation in the end still rely on fresh entropy provided by either the users themselves or random oracles that in turn can either be manipulated or have malicious incentives of their own. So, random oracles off-chain single point of failure red flag.
2. Others opted for a different path and proposed using the block hash. While such protocol design is much more appealing from a theoretical viewpoint as it generates random numbers on-chain (no red flag), it has another major flaw: given sufficiently large monetary incentive miners with sizeable hashing power can manipulate the game outcome by not submitting the freshly mined block. Using timestamps and virtually any other block content falls victim to the same issue.
3. Commitment schemes: the most promising solution with two major drawbacks: huge computational overhead and possibility that a malicious player will not open the secret after learning the outcome of the game. In other words, these schemes lack guaranteed output delivery. Monetary disincentives can be introduced to punish malicious actors basically collateralizing the Smart Contract thereby forcing the output delivery. In theory it works just fine. In practice one ends up with a slow and terribly expensive working protocol with limited applicability.
Competitor Review

A number of other projects utilizing the blockchain are entering the gambling industry by either aiming to create a platform for online casinos or by simply placing a specific game or a variety thereof on-chain. As noted above, among the issues which are solved by simply creating blockchain-powered versions of the games, three main problems remain yet unaddressed:

    1. Transaction Settlement Time: it takes significantly longer to settle a transaction on-chain than off of it as each block requires time to be mined.
    2. Transaction Fees: the fee for each transaction can become prohibitively high and preclude small bet sizes.
      3. Provably random: the generation of randomness on-chain is a challenging as miners can see and modify block headers before everyone else.

      introduces a decentralized system for the online gambling industry which consists of an automated value distribution protocol acting as mechanism of incentives based on Ethereum. The team has recently began developing Payment Channels to address the first two problems while addressing number three by the introduction of the Signidice algorithm (which is suitable only for two parties” games). It goes without
      saying that any casino protocol lacking good quality randomness that can be extended to any number of parties cannot serve as a backbone for the decentralized gambling industry.

      propose a peer-to-peer protocol where no central actor has influence over the outcome of the game. They use Bitcoin and lightning network for transaction settling and blockchain for game state persistence. In the white paper of BitPoker (which is a project solely aimed at poker games) none of the aforementioned issues is explicitly addressed.

      Edgeless is built on the Ethereum blockchain and claim to be the first to create fully transparent and zerohouse-edge decentralized casino. Edgeless” aspiring team aims to introduce a number of innovations in the industry of online casinos; however, their white paper also does not address the three notorious predicaments.

      BitDice is also based on Ethereum but aim to implement IOTA in the future to provide costless transactions. For now, the developers of BitDice claim that the move from Ruby to Elixir by Q1 of 2018 would reduce the betting latency from 20-40ms to 2-5ms, nevertheless, for now, transaction fees and the generation of randomness are not addressed in any meaningful way.

      FunFair is Ethereum based, can launch limitless number of online casinos, it is instant, claim to be ten times cheaper in terms of gas cost than other casinos, and propose an innovative way of RNG. FunFair’s ambitious project aims to achieve zero latency between the time of user’s interaction with the interface and the result, effectively eliminating the first issue. In addition, they pay attention also to both transaction fees and specifically target on-chain provably random number generation through the development of Fate Channels.

      Below summarizes whether each of the projects addresses one or more of the three problems in a novel and effective way :

      Table 1 The solution to the three problems
      The Spade Protocol

      At the heart of Ouroboros is the so-called Follow-The-Satoshi (FTS) procedure. Its essence is simple : assuming input of the uniform randomness, FTS is guaranteed to select a stakeholder with the uniform probability proportional to the number N of coins (or satoshis) one possess relative to the total number of coins in the system. In short, FTS does the job: it possess the qualities required to make an effective POS protocol. But, as always, there is a catch: FTS assumes input of ‘proper’ randomness. But where does it come from? Before answering this question, let us lead your through the mechanics of FTS procedure itself: it will prove useful later on.

      The FTS proceeds along the following steps:
      * The fresh randomness is injected into the system;
      * It is used to ‘pick’ a single satoshi, the smallest unit of account in the system, an analogy to cent for US dollars;
      * All satoshis have ids. The state of the protocol determines which user (determined by the wallet id) was the last one to hold the satoshi selected;
      * This user becomes the ‘leader’ or in other words is entitled to sign a block;
      Armed with the PVSS and FCT machinery, Ouroboros protocol proceeds in steps: the minor steps are called slots and represent a spot in the protocol time whereby an elected leader has a chance of signing a block of transactions receiving the fee reward. The major steps are called epochs: these contain multiple slots and end with running of the FTS procedure. A stylized illustration of a single epoch is given in figure X :

      The protocol is broken down into slots, slots contain blocks, and blocks contain transactions. The outcome of the FTS procedure determines all the slot leaders (those entitled to sign a block) for the following epoch. A stylized version of the multi-epoch protocol is illustrated below :

      What is SP8DE ?

      Sp8de is a protocol for blockchain-based platform with multiple features that are essential for the growing blockchain gambling industry and whose solid implementation is lacking in any of the currently existing projects in this space.

      Here are excerpts of a presentation video about this great project:



      * Decentralized 3.0
      The backbone of Sp8de, the Cardano blockchain is the first Proof-Of-Stake protocol without security compromises.

      * Scalable and Efficient
      Tens of thousands of transactions per second: no user experience constraints.

      * Sp8de Smart Contracts

      Smart-Contracts scripting language that was specifically designed for this.

      Distribution Schedule

      The token distribution begins on Monday, January 08, 2018 and ends on Sunday, March 11, 2018 and is scheduled as in the manner illustrated in Table 4 below. The Pre-Sale lasts for 24 days while each Sale phase will be seven days followed by a Jackpot that is distributed entirely within a single day after every Sale. A graphical illustration of the entire SPX distribution can be seen in Figure 2 below.

      Token Proceeds Utilization

      The proceeds of the token sales as well as the tokens that remain in possession of the team will be used to promote and develop the project as outlined in the Road Map section of this paper. In the figure below, we show how the proceeds will be utilized. As we have shown earlier Sp8de is development intense, therefore we allocate the majority of the proceeds to development and operations as we believe that proper management and highly skilled developers are in the core of the success of this project. Furthermore, when needed the tokens allocated to the Sp8de Foundation and the team might be used for further promotion and as part of an incentives scheme.

      Crowdsale Proceeds Management

      The funds raised during the Pre-Sale and the ICO will be held in the following cryptocurrencies and in the following proportions at the time of the conclusion of the ICO (March 11, 2018):

      The distribution of the funds for development, marketing, operations, etc. will be done in these cryptocurrencies at the discretion of the team and these weights may not necessarily hold during the later stages of the Sp8de development.


      Team & Advisors

      More information details

      > Website : https://sp8de.com/
      > Report : https://sp8de.com/sp8de_white_paper.pdf
      > Twitter : https://twitter.com/SP8DE_Official
      > Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/sp8deofficial/
      > Telegram : https://t.me/joinchat/B-YJaQ_ULpPKAzPHFPUa-Q
      > Github : https://github.com/SP8DE
      > Reddit : https://www.reddit.com/r/sp8de/
      > ANN Thread : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2659341

      Poste by Dico88