With the growth of the internet, great content is generated on the internet. This generates a lot of data. On average, it is estimated that everyone on earth has 1 GB of data on the web.
Different companies include giants like Google, Facebook, Twitter, Uber, etc. Use our data for various purposes including:
Training AI model
Send personalized recommendations
fire something that users have never thought of is, have they ever allowed them to use their data with their free will
The answer is not great.
Using our data, these technology giants generate billions and billions of dollars while users do not receive a cent from them. Also, users have no control over their data and no knowledge of how they are used.
Although personal data must belong to the person concerned, it appears that this is not the case.
This is why Datareum decided to enter this complex market space to change the scenario once and for all.
What is Datareum ?
Datareum is an online decentralized market where users can decide how much data they want to share and to whom they want to sell it. They can sell it to different people or organizations including advertising agencies, market researchers, companies, etc. However, the biggest difference lies in the fact that users get a DTN token as a gift to share or sell their data, something unimaginable in today's data industry.
Although Datareum is highly customer-centric, it does not mean that it ignores the other major participants in the industry - the data solicitors.
Data applicants can create custom surveys online. At the same time, the risk is greatly reduced and overall ecosystem profitability increases as no intermediaries are involved. Businesses can even sell results directly to customers from where they get data to receive funds.
In short, Datareum is a medium in which data owners can sell their data while still fully controlling their data with themselves. At the same time, data applicants can obtain these high quality data for their own use. In the entire process of data exchange, both participants were given equal and fair remuneration for their contribution.
How does it work ?
Let's think of data as a fruit.
For example, I have guava, apple, mango and watermelon.
In the market, I just want to sell cashew and watermelon while I want to keep mangoes and apples for myself.
This means, I have 100% control over my fruit and I decide which one I want to sell.
Similarly, Datareum allows its users to choose which data to share.
Now, continue the story further, suppose I have sold the fruit. What should I expect in return? Money.
If I had not received anything in return, I would have thought of myself as being deceived. Similarly, Datareum does not deceive its customers like the traditional data industry. They reward their customers for their active participation.
Lastly, suppose, I sold my fruit to a distributor. This distributor will sell this fruit again to other sellers while saving some profit for himself. In this way, the chain will continue where each participant will save some profit for himself and finally when he reaches the customer he has to pay a hefty price. Also, there is no guarantee that the fruit is fresh.
Instead, buying directly from distributors is a better option.
This is what Datareum does. It gets data directly from its customers and sells it to people who need it, eliminates risk and increases the profitability of the medium.
The current data market is very complex and unfair to data owners. Although the whole industry depends on the owner, the owner never gets rewarded for his contribution.
This is why, the Datareum solution is a game-changer in the industry, not only for owners but also for consumers as well.
Owners regain control of their data and are rewarded for sharing their data, while consumers can get high quality data they can use. At the same time, everyone is valued equally for their contribution.
In short, justice for all in ensuring and Datareum will definitely change the way the data industry works in the near future.
Key features of advanced platform
My DataVault
This is the where a data provider stores and managess information they wish to be made available on the platform. At first data will be manually input here by the data provider. As layers of verification are added to the platform, providers will be able to go through those verification hoops in order to add relative value to their data.
Datareum envisions eventual integration with legacy data platform such as Amazon, Facebook, Twitter and Airbnb. Data providers will have the option to link information from those accounts to their My Data Vault with options to specify exactly what to make available. For example, a data provider may choose to make Likes and Retweets available, but not comments.
It should be noted here that data from such channels is, of course, already being sold by legacy data silo platforms. The previous description is merely a way for users to monetize within the existing framework.
Data providers may also wish to make some components of their data available for free to accredited, non-profit research institutions on the condition that such data not be resold.
Token Sale Details
Symbol : DTN
Total Token Supply : 1 Billion
Softcap : $500.000
Pre Sale Hardcap : $2.000.000
ICO Hardcap : $18.000.000
Available Token for Sales : 600.000.000
Intial Token Price : $0.03 USD
Type : ERC-20
Currencies Accepted : ETH
Min Contribution : 1 ETH
1 ETH to 4.9 ETH : 10% Bonus
5 ETH or more : 20% Bonus
Token Available : 66.666.666
Max. Bonus Tokens : 13.333.333
Public Sales
Token Available : 520.000.000 + Presale unsold tokens
Token Wallet
The app will have a built-in wallet for storing tokens. This wallet will integrate with features of the platform enabling the following :
Data Provider’s Side
Ability to send DTN to cryptocurrency exchanges or a personal ERC-20 wallet.
Ability to send DTN to the Voucher Marketplace and receive vouchers for goods and services that have been made available by requesters.
Data Requester’s Side
Ability to send and receive DTN to or from a cryptocurrency exchange or personal ERC-20 wallet.
Ability to send DTN to the Data Marketplace smart contract to be used for purchasing data.
Ability to receive excess DTN from the Data Marketplace smart contact that has no been used.
Ability to send vouchers to the Voucher Marketplace and receive DTN for voucher’s purchased.
Datareum Roadmap
Members Team
For further information, please visit our site as follows :
Op dit moment is er eerst een goed project op het gebied van gedecentraliseerde e-commerce door blockchain-technologie is Nauticus. We weten allemaal dat elk project daar is waar ze willen concurreren om de beste te zijn in de markt van cryptocurrencies. Laten we het over dit project hebben.
NTS is een utility-token en geen digitale valuta, veiligheid, commodity of ander type financieel instrument en is niet geregistreerd onder enige beveiligingswetgeving binnen het Gemenebest van Australië of enig ander rechtsgebied. NTS kan niet worden gebruikt voor andere doeleinden dan die worden aangeboden in whitepapers, inclusief, maar niet beperkt tot, investeringen, speculatie of andere financiële doeleinden. Nauticus is niet aansprakelijk voor eventuele verliezen die de financiële handel van de gebruiker met zich meebrengt.
Onze visie is om wereldwijde bankoplossingen, e-commerce en beveiliging te creëren die efficiënt en duurzaam kunnen worden ingezet op basis van een innovatief technologieplatform.
Het doel is om iedereen in de FinTech-revolutie te betrekken met blockchain-technologie en alle soorten gebruikers of bedrijven van alle groottes en nationale en federale lokale overheden.
Tegelijkertijd wil het ook bijdragen aan het creëren van een betere wereld voor iedereen en vooral voor de meest ongelukkige. We richten ons ook strikt op sociale verantwoordelijkheid en filantropie.
Ons project gebruikt zijn invloed op de wereldwijde gemeenschap om een groot verschil te maken voor iedereen die het het meest nodig heeft. Een van onze kernwaarden is het verbeteren van de kwaliteit van het leven in ontwikkelde of ontwikkelingslanden om dezelfde kansen te promoten en de omgeving te beschermen.
Ons project handhaaft de hoogste ethische en internationale normen voor bescherming tegen gegevens uit de eigen bronnen van de gebruiker.
Problemen tegengekomen
De uitwisseling van bitcoin en crypto is een beginner moeilijk te begrijpen en gebruikers moeten zich vaak aanmelden voor een half dozijn op de centrale om alle gewenste altcoins te kunnen kopen. Cryptocurrency is moeilijk uit te geven in de echte wereld en veel uitwisselingen kunnen zelfs geen enkele valuta aanbieden. De oplossing Beter bankieren en eCommerce met behulp van blockchain-technologie
Nauticus biedt gebruiksvriendelijke, efficiënte en veilige oplossingen voor cryptobanking, betalingen en eCommerce met behulp van blockchain-technologie, ondersteund door de Nauticus-munt. De crypto en fiat-uitwisseling Nauticus wordt medio 2018 geopend.
IInternationale Crypto en Fiat Valutawissel
Introductie medio 2018
De uitwisseling zal het basisplatform zijn voor de bank- en eCommerce-oplossingen van Nauticus
Onmiddellijke handel Nauticus-munten met 100 crypto en zeven fiat-valuta's (USD, EUR, JPY, HKD, AUD, ZAR, CNY)
Gepland om uit te breiden naar meer dan 300 crypto- en 16 fiat-valuta's wanneer het transactievolume dit toestaat
State-of-the-art beveiligingssysteem en met een lage wisselkoers en kosten (slechts 0,1 procent)
Lage wisselkoers en kosten (slechts 0,1 procent)
Ondersteun een miljoen transacties per seconde
Geïntegreerd met Nauticus Wallet en mobiele app
State-of-the-art beveiligingssysteem maatregelen, waaronder meerdere codering, twee factoren en biometrische authenticatie
Vereenvoudigde interface-optie voor nieuwe crypto-investeerders
Geavanceerde interface voor actieve handelaren met de mogelijkheid om robots te ontwerpen voor geautomatiseerd handelen
Slechts 170 concurrenten over de hele wereld en meer dan 100.000 nieuwe gebruikers die zich elke dag aanmelden voor uitwisselingen
Blockchain Mijncentrum 2019
Het verstrekken van enorme servercapaciteit voor Nauticus-gebruikers
Maakt snellere en goedkopere transacties mogelijk
Het genereren van inkomsten tot $ 59 miljoen per jaar
Ondersteunende infrastructuur in de derde wereld
Partnerschappen met lokale overheden voor duurzaamheid en economische groei
Omzet opnieuw geïnvesteerd om verdere bedrijfsontwikkeling te ondersteunen
Energiezuinig gebruik van Antminer S9-modellen
Wereldwijd eCommerce platform 2020
Ultra lage prijsmarktplaats
Een breed scala aan goederen en diensten
Ondersteund door Nauticus Coin
Accepteert alle belangrijke crypto- en fiat-valuta's
Direct en veilig betalingssysteem
Makkelijk te gebruiken mobiele app
Aangedreven door Nauticus Exchange-, portemonnee- en betalingssystemen
Standaardkosten zijn ongeveer 3 procent
Kosten zo laag als 0,1 procent voor gebruikers met de beste recensies
Gratis transacties onder het Nauticus Rewards-programma
Blockchain-verificatie van de supply chain om ethische consumptie te stimuleren
Gedetailleerd beoordelings- en verantwoordingssysteem
KYC van gebruikers
Een miljoen gebruikers verwacht tegen midden 2020
Opbrengsten tot $ 13,7 miljoen USD per jaar
Merchant payments platform
Eenvoudig te gebruiken, voordelige oplossing voor bedrijven van elke omvang
Contactloze POS-betalingen via NFC, QR, ApplePay en AndroidPay
Verkopers kunnen de valuta van hun keuze accepteren (crypto of fiat)
Betalingen direct afrekenen in plaats van wekelijks of maandelijks
Bedrijven kunnen implementeren op bestaande digitale winkelpuien of op Nauticus Marketplace
Analytics-ondersteuning voor bedrijven en overheden
Geïntegreerd met mobiele app en Nauticus Exchange
Geld overmaken naar banken, leveranciers, familie en vrienden
Wereldwijde KYC-verificatie 2022
Nauticus wordt een wereldleider in Know Your Customer (KYC) -verificatie
Eén verificatie en Nauticus verstrekt uw gegevens op verzoek aan bedrijven
Gebruikers hebben de volledige controle over informatie en het delen van gegevens door middel van biometrische autorisatie
KYC voorkomt diefstal, witwassen van geld
Veilige en unieke identiteitsverificatie
Transparante records van toegangsactiviteit
Gratis voor gebruikers met meer dan 1000 munten onder Nauticus Rewards.
Geen gebruikersinformatie die zonder toestemming aan derden wordt verstrekt
Omvat wereldwijd kredietscoringsysteem
ICO Gateway
Maak middelen voor nieuwe ICO's
Sjablonen en code voor informatietechnologie
Financiële en juridische bijstand
Consultants gespecialiseerd in marketing, media en HR
Lancering van een ICO-register en kwaliteitskeurmerk
Ontwikkel uitgebreide gedragscode-eisen
Ondersteuning van de blockchain-community en bescherming van investeerders
Verifieer de identiteit van de gebruiker om Nauticus-munten te kopen
Verificatie-ID is niet vereist om deel te nemen aan ICO. U moet echter worden geverifieerd voordat u de uitwisseling kunt gebruiken, dus we raden aan de KYC tijdens de ICO-periode te voltooien. Crypto en Fiat Valutawissel De Nauticus Crypto en Fiat Currency Exchange zijn in ontwikkeling en zullen medio 2018 worden geopend. De uitwisseling zal het basisplatform zijn voor de volgende bank-, betalings- en eCommerce-oplossingen van Nauticus. Met de Nauticus Exchange kunnen ICO-donateurs onmiddellijk Nauticus-munten uitwisselen met andere cryptocurrencies zoals Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple en meer. Exchange-gebruikers genieten van toegang op meerdere platforms, waaronder smartphones, tablets en laptops. Het zal aanvankelijk 100 cryptocurrencies aanbieden, waarvan wordt verwacht dat het binnen 12 maanden exponentieel meer zal groeien dan de meeste uitwisselingen en waarmee Nauticus wereldwijd tot de top tien zal behoren. Bij de lancering worden zeven grote vreemde valuta's ondersteund: USD, EUR, JPY, HKD, AUD, CNY en ZAR, die binnen een jaar zullen worden uitgebreid naar 16 fiat-valuta's. Nauticus Exchange biedt ook wereldwijde betalingsverwerking, waardoor gebruikers en verkopers betalingen zoals PayPal en Western Union kunnen verzenden en ontvangen, maar met veel lagere tarieven en live markttarieven. Nauticus is geregistreerd als een onafhankelijke remittance-dealer bij de Australische overheidsregulator AUSTRAC.
ICO-informatiedetails Alle tokens zijn gebaseerd op de Ethereum ERC-20-standaard.
Token naam: Nauticus Coin
Tokensymbool: NTS
Totale tokenbedrag: 2.500.000.000 NTS
Ico startdatum: 18 maart 2018 - 30 maart 2018
Ico startdatum: 31 maart 2018 - 18 mei 2018
Wisselkoers: 1NTS = 0.00001 BTC
Zacht: 8.000.000 USD
ICO-doel: $ 68.000.000 USD
Harde kap: 88.000.000 USD
Minimale aankoopbedrag: 500 NTS
Bulk aankoopbonus loopt nog
KYC verificatieproces Dit zal de noodzaak voor gebruikers om eindeloze aanmeldings- en verificatieprocessen bij elk nieuw bedrijf te doorlopen, en het daaruit voortvloeiende risico van identiteitsdiefstal dat komt door het hebben van veel verschillende kopieën van hun persoonlijke en gevoelige informatie opgeslagen op verschillende locaties. In de loop van de tijd is herhalingen van tijd tot tijd nodig om verlopen documenten te vervangen en ervoor te zorgen dat wijzigingen worden geregistreerd. Het systeem richt zich in eerste instantie op credit scores en opslag van basisidentificatiedocumenten. Nauticus zal samenwerken met overheden over de hele wereld om capaciteiten toe te voegen voor gezondheidszorg, strafregisters, verkeersregisters, historische toepassingen en andere records. Nauticus legt al een sterke nadruk op KYC, met verificatielagen om onze gebruikers en het merk van Nauticus te beschermen. We voldoen aan alle KYC, AML, CTF richtlijnen en voorschriften.
De service is gratis voor gebruikers met meer dan 10.000 munten. Nauticus zal nooit gebruikersgegevens verkopen voor marketingdoeleinden of zonder autorisatie informatie aan derden verstrekken. Het systeem zal ook een wereldwijd kredietscore-systeem bevatten. Regulering en naleving Nauticus is een geregistreerd bedrijf in Australië en werkt volgens de regels en voorschriften van het Gemenebest Australië. Nauticus streeft ernaar samen te werken met internationale autoriteiten om ervoor te zorgen dat er geen illegale activiteiten op onze platforms worden uitgevoerd. We hebben strikte interne beveiligings- en nalevingsnormen en houden ons aan de Wet ter voorkoming van witwassen en terrorismefinanciering 2006, ADI en betalingsverordeningen. Nauticus verbindt zich ertoe om aan alle relevante licentievereisten en registratie-eisen te voldoen zoals gedefinieerd in onze routekaart en als een applicatie levensvatbaar wordt. Nauticus is geregistreerd bij AUSTRAC als een onafhankelijke overboekingsdealer.
Nauticus legt sterk de nadruk op de Know Your Customer (KYC) -vereisten.
Gekenmerkt door
Aangedreven door
Voor informatie over Nauticus, kunt u de onderstaande site bezoeken :
Qurrex, initiated in November 2016, has integrated industrial-grade infrastructure of traditional stock exchanges with a decentralized blockchain network. The team behind Qurrex includes seasoned professionals with expertise in investment banking, stock exchange infrastructure development, and business development. Netherlands-based CEO Matthijs Johan Lek leads it. Matthijs Johan Lek has had over twenty years of experience in finance and investment banking and leading financial institutions. His team includes knowledgeable traders and consultants with significant roles in the cryptocurrency community as well as accomplished architects and experts of traditional stock exchanges from various countries.
Qurrex is designed to meet the dramatic appreciation challenges of cryptocurrency resulting in increased demand from brokers and institutional investors. The platform offers new decentralized solutions to provide high performing and secure trading that will leverage the accumulated knowledge of traditional exchange and blockchain platforms. Although the new trading terminal is currently being prepared for service and undergoing renewal and expansion of its function, the broader public will be able to familiarize itself with the trading terminal and test it in March 2018.
Qurrex’s new generation platform integrates the industrial centralized infrastructure of traditional stock exchanges (CEX*) like NASDAQ, NYSE, LSE with a decentralized blockchain-based exchange (DEX*). The platform will substantially increase the market’s liquidity and set a new standard for crypto-exchange products. Its reliability, security and speed are game changers for the crypto industry and professional traders alike.
QDEX Issue
There are currently a number of projects to set up decentralized cryptocurrency exchanges, some of which have been launched and some are still under development. Initially this can be divided into projects that have a set of token destinations between blockchain, such as Bitshare, Waves DEX, nvo.io or exchange protocols in one network such as EtherDelta, OasisDex, Ox, Bancor and others.
All of these projects are trying to overcome the following challenges:
Safe deposit of funds or cryptoassets
Central connection or intermediary vulnerability
Counter-counter searches are interested in bidding
Full operational transparency
Cross exchanges eg Bitcoin for Monero
Volume of supply or demand with the same requirements for all market participants.
Each project is capable in one way or another to be able to resolve the issues indicated but the new ones appear in their place as follows:
Speed Issues: The speed of execution operations in various projects may depend on the speed of the blockchain network and at the speed of matching incoming orders or confirmation of agreement by a second party.
Liquidity Problems: A strong interest in DEX, liquidity in these products is still very low.
Warranty Issues: If execution is required quickly, participants are required to guarantee assurance of the transaction and as in Bancor and Kyber projects some of the funds are frozen and access is granted to third parties.
Matching Algorithm Problems: If a direct transaction occurs through a message, significant time is required to complete the transaction. With automated systems, delays occur in the process of reaching consensus on price options.
Automatic Operation Issues as a link there is no API or protocol for connecting algorithmic systems.
Hybrid architecture
Synergy of :
Blockchain technology - ensures secure storage, eliminates intermediary and provides aggregated liquidity from all network nodes, including the centralized node.
Centralized node - centralized exhange (CEX) with performance comparable to modern, cutting edge stock exchanges.
The featured functions of the hybrid exchange :
Formation of an aggregated order book based on quotes collected from all the system’s nodes (both the centralized and decentralized nodes);
dissemination of the aggregated order book to the blockchain nodes;
Choice of the blockchain nodes with the best instrument prices/quotes to place the order submitted by a client (if the order is not marketable, it is entered in the order book of the original system node);
Sending the order to the selected system node (for marketable order);
Entry of information on the order into the blockchain (for queuing order);
Receipt of execution confirmation.
Best Execution Logic :
Each node of the hybrid exchange provides the Best Execution service to the user. Broker companies operating in countries with a developed financial market are obliged to provide the Best Execution service. In Qurrex this service is implemented by a special module Smart Order Router, which is part of all the blockchain nodes, incluing the centralized (CEX) node.
Qurrex DEX blockchain is built of two types of nodes: confirming nodes and user nodes. The DEX protocol allows confirming nodes to charge other nodes a commission for the deals and transactions. The commission is charged in the deals's (transaction's) cryptocurrency.
There is a special kind of trading orders: DEX Cross-Chain cross-platform atomic orders (transactions). Cross-platform orders are charged just once, when being placed on decentralized nodes. Such orders are included in blocks as DEX transactions, while the confirming nodes charge their commission.
Qurrex founds special cryptocurrencies (qBTC, qETH). A trader can exchange these cryptocurrencies through DEX and his trades are to be charged for the deals theirselves, not for separate blockchain transactions.
QDEX Schema
QDEX Software
Software for network operation will include
Master node software that contains :
Software for network access between nearest network nodes
Software for the operation of the blockchain network
Software for choosing the best execution path
Liquidity pool node software that contains :
Matching of internal pool for storing and sharing customer requests
Multicurrency wallet for storing the necessary amount of coins and receiving fees
Order router for sending orders to another network node and receiving external requests
API - connection protocol for encoding an inner order book
Client node software which contains :
Trading platform
Multicurrency wallet
QDEX Networks Members
Master node is a node that maintains the network by generating blocks and carrying out in-chain transactions. The number of transactions is directly limited by the required network performance and the current level of development of the QDEX network. These nodes do not have their own pool of liquidity and area engaged in servicing the liqiudity pool node and routing client requests.
Liqiudity pool node is a network node that supplies QDEX network with quotes. Their number is limited only by the current level of development. At its core, each node is a mini exchange with its OrderBook, Matching, OrderRouter, QuoteAPI modules.
Client node is a software for a mobile phone or a computer interacting with the QDEX network.
Token symbol: QRX
Token standard: ERC20
Token type: utility
Total token supply: 70m
Total token for sale: 55m
Total token for pre-sale: 17m
Country of incorporation - Cayman Islands
Token Structure
Token Distribution
Crowdsale Funds Distribution
Team Leaders
Matthijs Johan Lek
Founder and CEO
Mathijs Johan has worked in finance for 20 years, including investment banking, brokerage, and business development.Under his lead there is a team of traders and advisors with wide experience on FX market, development of trading strategies, algorithms, trading robots. Over the recent years, the team has been actively trading on the cryptocurrency market.
Slava Baikalov
Chief Operating Officer and Co-Founder
Slava for 10+ years specializes in corporate finance, investment banking, investment analysis, M&A and fundraising. Few years ago he became the crypto-enthusiast and cryptotrader
Konstantin Sviridenko
Chief Business Development Officer, Chairman of Qurrex's Supervisory Board
Konstantin and his team have a proven track record in development of trading & clearing systems and creation of financial instruments at stock and derivatives exchanges across Eastern Europe(RTS,St. Petersburg Stock Exchange,Investment System Voskhod,Ukrainian Exchange). Qurrex will hire Konstantin as a consultanton creating the platform and building all operational, IT and business processes from scratch.
Andrey Sitaev
Andrey’s team comprises 17 frontend and backend developers with a remarkable software development background.Andrey and his team focus on .NET framework and have been successfully implementing margin trading algorithms since 2008. Andrey has led development of a Forex analytical / trading platform TradeSharp.
Alexander Bobryshev
Product Manager
Has experience in design and development of high-loaded systems, embeddable and server solutions, antivirus software, information security systems. Also participated in development more than 50 projects, including: payment service transport system ASK-PAY, antivirus software (Kaspersky Security Scanner, Kaspersky Antivirus, Kaspersky Internet Security, Kaspersky Update Utility), components of transport monitoring system (TOne-Suite), biometric identification system (Hitachi H-1), economic news service (PRIME).
Vladimir Tsarkov
IT Project Manager
Vladimir has been working in different IT fields for more than 15 years, including SW development and management, extremely high loaded products development, releasing and supporting for Telcos and MNOs: IBM, HP, AT&T, Swisscom, Vodafone, Telefonica, Orange, SFR, China Mobile, Aricent, Hitachi, Fujitsu, NEC, Singtel, Axiata and others. In meantime, he was in time to acquire two IT patents in network and business optimization technologies. Mature experience in development processes building and execution does allow to organize steady product movement.
Ivan Serikov
Back Office Architect
Ivan has over 10 yrs experience as solution architect and team leader in implementation of CRM systems at large scale companies of different industries (from financial institutions to airplane companies). He focuses on automation of business processes based on Oracle products stack (Siebel CRM, BI). Ivan also participated in Big Data projects for large-scale airline company.
Evgeny Shirokonosov
Lead Developer
Eight years of technical development expertise. He has experience in the development of antivirus software, medical simulators, highly loaded systems. Previously with Kaspersky Lab, NeuroX, TOne and Eidos. His expertise includes C++, .NET and Java.
Ismet Khayali
Lead Developer
Eight years’ of technical development expertise. He worked as an engineer at Kaspersky Lab, TOne Group. He has deep knowledge and experience in entertainment technical development. His expertise includes full Microsoft Technology Stack.
Oleksandr Dubyna
R&D Team Lead
Lead Engineer with more than 10 years experience in IT, has more than 30 successful projects. Working experience in largest international and state companies, like Accenture, MotorSich, Pacific Northwest Software and others gathered the expertise in systems architecture, analytics and optimization inventions.
Maksim Rodionov
Lead Developer
A web programmer with extensive experience developing a variety of systems. I managed to work in large Russian holdings such as: Mail.ru, Rambler&Co and in other lesser known holdings. Also in large media: RBTH and RG. Maxim is mainly engaged in the development of high-load projects and microservices. In his work he uses golang, Node.js and all the possibilities of a javascript ecosystem.
Karine Gabrielyan
Head of Sales
Karine Gabrielyan has been working in the financial sector since 2005 and started her career at the RTS Stock Exchange where she was responsible for the derivatives market development. In 2012 she moved from the exchange which at the time after the merge had become the Moscow Exchange, to one of the top Russian brokers where she was responsible for the brokerage business development as well as cooperation with the exchanges the broker was connected to.
Markel Baykalov
Director of Corporate Development and New Projects
Markel holds a Master of Laws degree and has over 9 years experience in the field of law and corporate management and development. Since December 2015 he had leaded the corporate office and had been responsible for start up of new projects in RTS companies group (stock market, clearing company, bank) in the capacity of Corporate Development and New Projects Director. In December 2017 he joined the Qurrex team as the Corporate Management Director. Markel is deeply specialized in the field of exchange markets, credit organizations, financial institutions, P2P and B2P services operation. During his professional career in the field of corporate management and development he supported a series of M&A and IPO deals, which cost exceeded $7 billion. During his work in Moscow Exchange and RTS companies groups Markel provided legal support of new financial (exchange traded) products and new projects (Voskhod Investment System and CryptoVoskhod) start ups.
Kirill Gotovtsev
The oldest professional of advertizing in Russian Internet For 25 years Kirill is engaged in communications of hundreds companies. His clients list includes not only high-technology financial startups but also large conservative projects. Last two years Kirill consult more than 6 cryptoprojects. He is a head of department of marketing in Qurrex.
Yury Panov
Head of Marketing Strategy
Yury is a head of strategy planning in BBDO Russia Group (CIS representative office of the world's biggest and most awarded advertising agency). He has been working in branding and advertising industry since 2007. During this time he developed effective strategies for leading russian brands in FMCG (PepsiCo, Mars), telecom (Veon, MTS), retail (IKEA, X5 Retail Group), finance (VTB, Soglasie) and other categories. Yury is a lecturer and jury member in the Wordshop Academy - the world's best advertising school (in 2017) and member of the Russian EFFIE jury.
Advisors & Partners
Dmitry Lavrov
Asset Manager
Dmitriy Lavrov is a professional trader, technical analyst and money manager with 10 years trading experience. The main covered markets are Forex, Commodity, Cryptocurrency. Provides personal education for those who are interested in profitable trading. Entries in TOP 10 among TradingView authors.
Jose Luis Coirolo
Trading Services Advisor
José Luis Coirolo is the Founder and President at Sapient Venture Partners, an advisory services firm with deep domain expertise across multiple layers of the technology stack, from trading applications and platforms, core infrastructure in Market Data Services, Data Management, and Order Execution. Previously, Mr. Coirolo was the Managing Director at NYSE Euronext and InterContinental Exchange responsible for overall Data Management Services (DMS) business strategy and Advisory Services within NYSE Euronext's Global Market Data function. Prior to that, he was the Head of Market Data Services at Caxton Associates LLC and previously with Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette.
Stas Oskin
Blockchain Advisor
Stas Oskin leads the technology strategy and partnerships effort for the WINGS Foundation, a Swiss non-profit focused on decentralized finance and governance systems. Stas has over 15 years of extensive experience in engineering, development and management of software, cloud services, healthcare, video streaming, blockchain, and social products and services. Stas describes himself as an entrepreneur, Crypto enthusiast and a Life hacker
Wilhelm Beller
Institutional Relationship Advisor
Wilhelm has two decades of experience in finance, holding various executive positions in London, Frankfurt and Moscow. He has been heading departments for both equity and derivatives trading for major investment banks including names like Citigroup, Unicredit, and Sberbank CIB. His geographic trading focus has been emerging economies such as, Middle East, Africa, CEE countries and previously Western Europe. Since leaving the investment banking world has he gotten very actively involved in crypto currency markets, running managed accounts and providing ICO advisory to clients and corporations.
Midex is a Financial Platform with a licensed exchange, approved by Swiss lawyers and bankers. Midex tools and services are unique solutions based on blocking technology that do not have. Today they are analogues in the world and offer revolutionary solutions for combining crypto-currency peace and classical financial system. The combination of neural networks and smart contracts controls the majority processes inside the Midex ecosystem, which eliminates the possibility of errors and compromises.
Here is a review video I made for this ICO :
Vision and Mission
Being a technology bridge that provides a fast and secure connection between the crypto currency and the classical economic environment. All bank services will comply with the stringent standards of international legal regulations applicable in finance.
What is Midex now ?
Working Exchange
The exchange is already working and legally licensed, you can check it here
We sell tokens for filling the exchange with liquidity and for further developing the financial platform.
Develop an autonomous and decentralized data storage and exchange system that will provide:
A convenient and secure way to implement payment transactions in Crypto and Fiat
This will allow you to safely store crypto-currency assets on a single platform with the possibility of a simple exchange for fiat funding
Single Window System for traders and investors
Simple implementation of crypto lending and collateral
Ability to integrate platform services on third-party sites
How does it work ?
Based on studies of the security systems of the world's crypto-exchange exchanges and on the basis of analysis of incidents related to closing of large exchange areas. in Midex was created an unparalleled security system. It takes into account the types of potential threats that can lead to data compromise or theft of funds.
75 000 000 MDX Midex token emission for ICO
In order to create a full-fledged financial platform operating within the framework of the world legal system, it is necessary to attract large funds that allow the created system to begin work and at the same time remain independent. Therefore, the company Midex conducts fundraising, using the most convenient and modern tool ICO, the sale of tokens. As a result of the ICO, all unsold tokens will be destroyed. The distribution of funds after the completion of the ICO is indicated in the presentation.
Distribution of Token Midex
Already done
Cryptocurrency exchange
Exchange service
Quotes aggregator
Development in progress
P2P loans marketplace
Asset management
Acceptance of payments
Trading API
Mobile applications
PI liсense
Participation in SWIFT
Development in progress
Bank license
Saving accounts
Settlement accounts
Issue of plastic cards
Asset Management marketplace
Crypto Exchange aggregation
Q2, 2019 Ready for investments
Creation of Midex Coin
Educational program
MidexSecure system
Social trade network
Q4, 2019 Ready for investments
Venture investment
Broker services
ICO Marketplace
2020 Ready for investments
Premium Insurance
Social trading network
The Team
Evgeny Kaznacheev
CTO (Technical director)
CEO and co-founder of Yoldi Agency full service IT company. Blockchain evangelist, specialist in integration blockchain technology to business projects. Expert in crypto and high load projects security. 10 years in banking IT, 5 years in blockchain. Developer of financial business logic, internal ERP and monitoring systems.
Valeria Mingova
PR Director
Professional with more than 15 years of experience in public and media relations in the biggest banks, finance corporations, and public authority.
Mike Blackwood
For more than 10 years, Mike has held executive positions in marketing in various international companies. Former Chief Business Development Officer at TrueFlip. In 2014 Mike plunged into the study of blockchain technology and crypto-currency assets. S Expert at icobench.com. Since 2017 Chief Marketing Officer at Midex.pheres of professional activity: digital marketing, consulting, trading.
Stan Sokolovsky
Legal counsel
Graduated from the University of Strasbourg. Specialist in british and International Law. Specializes in IT projects, gambling and ICO. Stan worked with such projects as: Mark.Space, TrueFlip, Travelchain.
Arseniy Dain
Arseniy has experience of attracting large investments. He is experienced of working with business angels and investment funds around the world. Champion of the International Olympiad in Economics and in the competition for trading.
Alex Levin
Traffic manager
Graduated from ITMO university. Experience more than 5 years of work in digital marketing in major international agencies.
Nik Postnik
Hype manager
More than 10 years in worldwide PR. Great experience in creating virus content and different events highlighting.
Natasha Lukina
Project manager
Experience in marketing and project management for more than 12 years. She was one of the first Wikimart’s employees.
Vladislav Romanov
IT Developer
Graduated from ITMO university. Studied possibilities of next generation of decentralised applications and using of deep machine learning in blockchain products.
Sadykh Sadykhov
IT Developer
Graduated from ETU (LETI) university. Studied cryptography and data storing, have a big interest to blockchain technology as very reliable technology to everyone. Experienced in creating applications with blockchain technology as the way to storing data.
Vitaliy Kukhar
IT Developer
Specialist with diploma of «software engeneering». 5+ years as Frontend Developer. Experinced in creation of high efficient cross browser and responsive web applications. Experienced in integration of fintech projects.
Ury Strelets
IT Developer
Developer of highload fintech projects with 5+ years experience. Designer of efficiently scalable system architecture. Taken part in development of banking CRM, investment and credit services, social networks and dating sites. Have experience in integration of blockchain to ecosystems of different projects.
Dmitry Kozhevnikov
5+ years as ui/ux designer in big international projects. Create attractive person friendly interfaces accordingly to persons and business requirements.
Olga Shikh
5+ years as ui/ux designer. Graduated from university as interior designer. Regulary updates qualification in UI/UX design. Experinced in social network projects, mobile apps and fintech projects.