A loyalty coalition can mainly be described by a loyalty card system that offers incentives to customers of several businesses in return for allowing those businesses to collect user data. For instance, airlines are gathered in big « alliances » which offer, among other things, a common loyalty program for their members, with the « miles » that most people know about. The biggest integrated programs are those set up by Mastercard, Visa and American Express, which offer rewards (from cashback to price reduction and goods) depending on card usage.
Those current programs have 3 main characteristics:
- They remain exclusive is airlines alliances are limited by some pro-competition regulations because of their nature (miles loyalty programs are a magnified by alliances, but not the reason the alliances exist), while the payment networks (visa, mastercard and amex) each operate their own coalition and carefully manage their reach carefully.
- They are expensive operations as The costs in terms of infrastructure and human resources to first create, calibrate and then manage such an operation are massive and de facto restrict them to those companies with the deepest pocket, which is a requirement in order to maintain an image of « high status » : no leading name brand is going to participate in a coalition that accepts companies with less valuable brand image as members for fear of diluting their most prized asset.
- The coalition management controls everything from the shared customer private data to the various rules and rewards that can be used by the coalition businesses.
The Satisfaction Token is a utility token, it is used within the Satisfaction protocol and more generally in Sandblock’s ecosystem as a medium of exchange.
The Satisfaction Protocol
Built on top of the Ethereum's blockchain, it creates an autonomous consortium which connects businesses and customers together by leveraging the power of the blockchain and Smart Contracts.

Branded tokens
The Satisfaction Token (SAT) is an ERC20 token and is therefore tradable on any platform (exchanges) which eventually makes it volatile as any other cryptocurrency.
Each brand joining Sandblock’s ecosystem create it’s own, dedicated Branded Token. Branded Tokens are not ERC20 tokens and can only be exchanged within the Satisfaction protocol, using this mechanism, all Branded Tokens will share the same value and it ensures that no secondary market will be created within the ecosystem.
Token Flow
Branded tokens are exchanged on a daily basis within the Satisfaction Protocol, either when a Brand gives a reward to its customer, when a customer decides to use his Branded Tokens to get a discount and make a purchase or simply when a customer decides to convert them back into SAT.
- SAT Token holders
Whether they acquired Satisfaction Tokens during the token sale or on an exchange platform or by converting Branded Tokens back, token holders are the ones who ensure the autonomy and independence of the ecosystem. Indeed, Brands need to acquire Satisfaction Tokens to create/refill their Branded Token supply and token holders are here to ensure a decentralised acquisition process at fair price.
Token holders are central/key in the ecosystem as they may eventually sell their SAT to Brands willing to distribute more Branded Tokens. This process ensures that the Satisfaction protocol remains autonomous and independent of any Brand over representativeness in the ecosystem.
- Customers
Customers receive Branded Tokens for their loyalty (by being a frequent customer), their feedback (by providing review and answering surveys) or by engaging with Brands (through contest, games etc).
Once customers acquire Branded Tokens, they can either use them to purchase goods or services to the very same Brand, barter them on the internal marketplace for other Branded Tokens, or hold them to gain a special status (e.g Premium / Gold member) and enjoy discounts or advantages from the Brand.
Customers can become SAT token holders by converting their Branded Tokens back into SAT but this process has a cost (“Withdrawal”, described in our Whitepaper) designed to increase the value of all customers to remain within the ecosystem and mostly use Branded Tokens.
Customers are basically Branded Token holders! The protocol is designed to incentivise them to either keep their Branded Tokens (or barter them for other Branded) or use them to receive goods and services.
- Brands
Brands acquire Satisfaction Tokens on the public market (on exchanges or during the token sale for instance) to create their supply of Branded Tokens.
Once Branded Tokens are created, customers who acquire them can transform them back to Satisfaction Tokens again by going through the “Withdrawal” mechanism (described in our Whitepaper) which induces a loss of 25% of the tokens. This “burn” mechanism has also been designed as a safeguard for Brands that would not join if their tokens could go back directly on the public market.
Brands also get Branded Tokens back when customers decide to use them. When this happens, their available supply increases and they can use this supply to reward customers later on or convert back to SAT some of them (without “burn” fees) if the supply is higher than what they need.
They are the most important part of the ecosystem as they are the one creating the added value of the ecosystem.
Token sale informations
Sandblock’s token sale is set to run in two phases, the pre-sale which will take place on February 28 at 2:00pm (CET) and the sale which will take place on March 28 at 2:00pm (CET).
A total of 55 000 000 Satisfactions Tokens (SAT) will be created and 27 500 000 SAT (50%) will be available during the token sale events.

- 50% are available for sale during the token sale events.
- 30% are reserved for future partnership as an incentive to join the ecosystem.
- 12% are reserved for the team members (vested for 1 year).
- 8% will be distributed to bounty program participants
The pre-sale has a fixed rate during its duration while the final sale’s rate will decrease over time, depending on the amount of SAT purchased by all the contributors. Once all tier 1 tokens are sold the price moves to tier 2 and so on.

All unsold tokens will be burnt once the token sale ends, thus creating the final amount of Satisfaction Tokens available on the public market.
The token distribution will happen within 3 days after the sale ends. We are already in discussion with exchanges for listing the token on their platforms within 2 weeks after the token sale ends, the list of exchanges will be announced later.
SAT Utility token
The SAT is a tradable cryptocurrency (ERC20) on the Ethereum blockchain. It is the bridge between the consortium and the rest of the world's economy.
Each Merchant creates its own branded token pegged to the SAT. Branded tokens are created using SATs purchased on public markets (exchanges).
The SAT represents the total worth of the consortium. The bigger the consortium, the bigger the SAT will be. Branded tokens confer various rights and capabilities to customers such as paying, voting, rating or accessing premium features.

How to participate in the token sale ?
The events will run on a first come first served basis. The amount of tokens for each phase is limited to the amount specified on the table above.
You can already sign up for token sales by visiting our site at as follow : Here
Token pre-sale information
- Start date:February 28, 2018 2:00 PM CET
- End date:March 11, 2018 2:00 PM CET
- Payments in:ETH, BTC, Bank card
- Token price:1 ETH = 3750 SAT
- Tokens for sale: 8 000 000 SAT
- News:🌟 Pre-sale 100% sold out 🌟
- Minimum transaction amounts:
1. Ether:0.5 ETH
2. Bitcoin:0.05 BTC
3. Bank card:500 USD
- Maximum purchase per account: 500K SAT
- Bonus: +25%
- Token Distribution: See token sale below
Token Sale Details
- End date:May 16, 2018 2:00 PM CET
- Payments in:ETH, BTC, Bank card
- Token price: 1 ETH = 3000 SAT (+ tier bonus)
- Maximum cap:$8 000 000
- Minimum transaction amount:
1. Ether:0.05 ETH
2. Bitcoin:0.01 BTC
3. Bank card:50 USD
- Maximum purchase per account: 500K SAT
- Tokens for sale: 19 500 000 SAT
- Tiers bonuses:
1. Tier 1: +15% tokens (2 000 000 SAT)
2. Tier 2: +10% tokens (2 500 000 SAT)
3. Tier 3: + 5% tokens (3 000 000 SAT)
4. Tier 4: no bonus (12 000 000 SAT)
- Token Distribution: Within 3 days after the sale ends
- Exchange listing: Within 2 weeks after the sale ends
We are grateful for the interest people are showing for Sandblock, and hope that this piece helps put our ideals and objectives into perspective. We will soon write about the issue of data privacy, and how Sandblock’s design takes it into account.
Join our Community
Join us now and do not miss the opportunity to learn more about the Sandblock project, our accomplishments, and the meetings or conferences we attended.
Here is the information below :
- WEBSITE : https://sandblock.io/
- WHITEPAPER : https://sandblock.io/whitepaper.pdf
- FACEBOOK : https://www.facebook.com/Sandblock.io
- TWITTER : https://twitter.com/sandblock_io
- TELEGRAM : https://t.me/sandblock_io
- SLACK : https://join-sandblock.herokuapp.com/
- GITHUB : https://github.com/SandblockIO
- REDDIT : https://www.reddit.com/r/Sandblock_io
- ANN THREAD : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2254884
- MAIL : http://eepurl.com/c67Yfv
Author by Dico88
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