With the growth of the internet, great content is generated on the internet. This generates a lot of data. On average, it is estimated that everyone on earth has 1 GB of data on the web.
Different companies include giants like Google, Facebook, Twitter, Uber, etc. Use our data for various purposes including:
- Advertisement
- Training AI model
- Send personalized recommendations
fire something that users have never thought of is, have they ever allowed them to use their data with their free will
The answer is not great.
Using our data, these technology giants generate billions and billions of dollars while users do not receive a cent from them. Also, users have no control over their data and no knowledge of how they are used.
Although personal data must belong to the person concerned, it appears that this is not the case.
This is why Datareum decided to enter this complex market space to change the scenario once and for all.
What is Datareum ?
Datareum is an online decentralized market where users can decide how much data they want to share and to whom they want to sell it. They can sell it to different people or organizations including advertising agencies, market researchers, companies, etc. However, the biggest difference lies in the fact that users get a DTN token as a gift to share or sell their data, something unimaginable in today's data industry.
Although Datareum is highly customer-centric, it does not mean that it ignores the other major participants in the industry - the data solicitors.
Data applicants can create custom surveys online. At the same time, the risk is greatly reduced and overall ecosystem profitability increases as no intermediaries are involved. Businesses can even sell results directly to customers from where they get data to receive funds.
In short, Datareum is a medium in which data owners can sell their data while still fully controlling their data with themselves. At the same time, data applicants can obtain these high quality data for their own use. In the entire process of data exchange, both participants were given equal and fair remuneration for their contribution.
How does it work ?
Let's think of data as a fruit.
For example, I have guava, apple, mango and watermelon.
In the market, I just want to sell cashew and watermelon while I want to keep mangoes and apples for myself.
This means, I have 100% control over my fruit and I decide which one I want to sell.
Similarly, Datareum allows its users to choose which data to share.
Now, continue the story further, suppose I have sold the fruit. What should I expect in return? Money.
If I had not received anything in return, I would have thought of myself as being deceived. Similarly, Datareum does not deceive its customers like the traditional data industry. They reward their customers for their active participation.
Lastly, suppose, I sold my fruit to a distributor. This distributor will sell this fruit again to other sellers while saving some profit for himself. In this way, the chain will continue where each participant will save some profit for himself and finally when he reaches the customer he has to pay a hefty price. Also, there is no guarantee that the fruit is fresh.
Instead, buying directly from distributors is a better option.
This is what Datareum does. It gets data directly from its customers and sells it to people who need it, eliminates risk and increases the profitability of the medium.
The current data market is very complex and unfair to data owners. Although the whole industry depends on the owner, the owner never gets rewarded for his contribution.
This is why, the Datareum solution is a game-changer in the industry, not only for owners but also for consumers as well.
Owners regain control of their data and are rewarded for sharing their data, while consumers can get high quality data they can use. At the same time, everyone is valued equally for their contribution.
In short, justice for all in ensuring and Datareum will definitely change the way the data industry works in the near future.
Key features of advanced platform
My DataVault
This is the where a data provider stores and managess information they wish to be made available on the platform. At first data will be manually input here by the data provider. As layers of verification are added to the platform, providers will be able to go through those verification hoops in order to add relative value to their data.
Datareum envisions eventual integration with legacy data platform such as Amazon, Facebook, Twitter and Airbnb. Data providers will have the option to link information from those accounts to their My Data Vault with options to specify exactly what to make available. For example, a data provider may choose to make Likes and Retweets available, but not comments.
It should be noted here that data from such channels is, of course, already being sold by legacy data silo platforms. The previous description is merely a way for users to monetize within the existing framework.
Data providers may also wish to make some components of their data available for free to accredited, non-profit research institutions on the condition that such data not be resold.
Token Sale Details
- Symbol : DTN
- Total Token Supply : 1 Billion
- Softcap : $500.000
- Pre Sale Hardcap : $2.000.000
- ICO Hardcap : $18.000.000
- Available Token for Sales : 600.000.000
- Intial Token Price : $0.03 USD
- Type : ERC-20
- Currencies Accepted : ETH
- Min Contribution : 1 ETH
- 1 ETH to 4.9 ETH : 10% Bonus
- 5 ETH or more : 20% Bonus
- Token Available : 66.666.666
- Max. Bonus Tokens : 13.333.333
Public Sales
Token Wallet
The app will have a built-in wallet for storing tokens. This wallet will integrate with features of the platform enabling the following :
Data Provider’s Side
- Ability to send DTN to cryptocurrency exchanges or a personal ERC-20 wallet.
- Ability to send DTN to the Voucher Marketplace and receive vouchers for goods and services that have been made available by requesters.
Data Requester’s Side
- Ability to send and receive DTN to or from a cryptocurrency exchange or personal ERC-20 wallet.
- Ability to send DTN to the Data Marketplace smart contract to be used for purchasing data.
- Ability to receive excess DTN from the Data Marketplace smart contact that has no been used.
- Ability to send vouchers to the Voucher Marketplace and receive DTN for voucher’s purchased.
Datareum Roadmap
Members Team
For further information, please visit our site as follows :
- Website : https://datareum.net
- Whitepaper : https://www.datareum.net/whitepaper.pdf
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/datareumdtn
- Twitter : https://twitter.com/datareum
- Telegram : https://t.me/datareum
- Reddit : https://www.reddit.com/r/datareum
- Github : https://github.com/datareum/smartcontract
- ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3115745
Author by Dico88
My ETH : 0xBdc50Fc5e4d30887DFa1F0B495aAf4011a6Eb1a2
My ETH : 0xBdc50Fc5e4d30887DFa1F0B495aAf4011a6Eb1a2
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